The residual Marshall stability, tensile strength ratio, and fatigue performance of the HMA-RCAs were gradually reduced along with the increasing RCA dosage. The adhesive energy between RCA and asphalt was also very close to that of serpentinite. The adhesive energy between various aggregates and asphalt were sorted as follows: Limestone > serpentinite > RCA > granite. The surface energy and CA of RCA were very close to that of serpentinite. The surface energy of the various aggregates and the CAs between aggregates and asphalts were sorted as follows: Granite > RCA > serpentinite > limestone. Then, the influence of RCA on the water stability and fatigue performance of the asphalt mixture was analyzed by testing the water stability and fatigue properties of hot mix asphalts containing RCA (HMA-RCA) with different aggregates and RCA dosages.
The adhesive energy between asphalt and RCA and natural aggregates were calculated based on the test results of the surface free energy and CAs. The CAs between hot asphalt and RCA and natural aggregates were tested via the hanging slice method. The surface free energy was then calculated. To study and evaluate the adhesion between recycled concrete aggregate and asphalt, the contact angles (CAs) between droplet (water and ethanol) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), natural aggregates, and solid bitumen (matrix asphalt, SBS modified asphalt) were tested via the sessile drop method with an optical microscope.